Sustainability, a way of thinking

In contemporary times, the word sustainability is polysemic, that is, it has several meanings, and may be environmental, social or economic. To have this mentality and identify its divisions is fundamental to obtain success in new types of personal relationships or between companies. To be a sustainable company is to develop causing the least possible damage to all parties.

If my company recycles its waste will it be sustainable?

A reality: it is necessary to go beyond common sense, a company that is really interested and committed to the principles of the sustainable concept will make sure that it is developing in an ethical and constructive way in relation to all sectors and not only the environmental one. It is important that employees, collaborators, customers and society benefit from the business, that is the concept.

This development model is no longer an alternative and is now followed by market leaders such as Nestlé Corporation (Finland), Banco do Brasil, Natura Cosmeticos and Ericsson, which occupy the highest positions in the Forbes ranking of the most sustainable companies. 

Making your company more sustainable is about implementing new technologies and adopting patterns of behaviour that are not destructive, it is about creating positive impact and increasing profits by giving benefits rather than setbacks. A sustainable company necessarily generates increased profits, either by building a reputation of respect and value before society or by managing conscious consumption of water and energy and reducing toxic waste.

Sustainability: the way of thinking

A sustainable company is one that restructures its entire mindset, as it values all types of relationships, respects its public, offers good working conditions to employees, values human capital, promotes collective awareness about the company's culture and commitment, selects partners and suppliers well, ensuring that they operate based on the same principles and encourages education by promoting social actions and employee training.
